
I. HNX trading regulations
- Trading hours
Transaction method User command Trading Hours 09h00 – 11h30 LO, MTL, MOK, MAK Continuous order-matching 11h30 – 13h00 Intermission 13h00 – 14h30 LO, MTL, MOK, MAK Continuous order-matching II 14h30 – 14h45 ATC, LO Closing periodic order-matching 14h30 – 15h00 PLO After hours execution
09h00 – 15h00 Put-through - Order matching methods
Periodic order matching: A method of trading made on the basis of matching buy and sell orders at a specified time. The principle of price determination is as follow
The executed price reaches the largest trading volume
If more than one price satisfies the above condition, the price which is similar or closest with nearest matching order price will be selected.
Continuous order matching: The method is made on the basis of comparing buy orders and sell orders immediately when they are inputted into the trading system.
Put-through: A transaction method whereby members agree with each Matching principles: - Matching Principles
Price Priority: Buy orders with higher prices are prioritized for execution first. Sell orders with lower prices are executed first.
Time Priority: In case buy or sell orders at the same price, those which entered into the trading system earlier will take precedence in execution. - Trading unit and Price tick
Trading unit: Trading unit of order matching in parity lot: = 100 shares/closed-end fund certificates.
Trading volume of put through transactions: 5,000 shares/closed-end fund certificates or more
Put-through and odd lot transactions are not allowed in the first trading day of newly listed shares
Trading stocks with volume from 01 to 99 stocks (odd lots): Follow both order matching and put-through - Price tick:
Stock matching order: VND 100
Stock put-through: 1 dong
- Price range: ± 10%
Ceiling price = Reference price x (100% + Price range)
Floor price = Reference price x (100% – Price range)
For stocks, fund certificates, which are traded again after the suspension of trading for more than 25 days, the price fluctuation range in the first trading day is +/- 30% compared to the reference price in the first day traded back. -
Edit/ Cancel orders
Volume modification, cancellation of an order are only valid for the original order which has not been executed or the rest of the order has not been executed yet. In continuous order matching session: limit order is allowed to fix price, volume and cancel order during trading time. The order of precedence after an order is modified is determined as follows:
♦ Order of priority was unchanged if only reduced volume;
♦ Order of priority of orders is calculated from the time when the repair order is entered into the trading system for cases of increasing volume and / or fixing price. During the periodic order matching session, the closing price (ATC) is not allowed to modify or cancel LO and ATC orders (including LO orders transferred from the continuous order matching session). In after hours trading: PLO orders are not allowed to modify or cancel orders. - PLO:
♦ PLO order is a buy order or sell order at a closing price after the close of a periodic order matching session.
♦ PLO orders are only entered into the system in after hours trading
♦ PLO order is matched immediately when entering the system if there is a reciprocal order available. The executed price is the closing price of the trading day.
♦ PLO order is not allowed to be modified or canceled.
♦ In the case of continuous order matching session and closed periodic order matching session without being identified, the PLO order will not be entered into the system.
♦ End of the after-hours trading session, PLO orders not being executed or the rest of the orders that are not executed will be automatically canceled.
II. HSX trading regulations
- Trading hours
Transaction method User command Trading Hours 09h00 – 09h15 ATO, LO Opening periodic order-matching 09h15 – 11h30 LO, MP Continuous order-matching 11h30 – 13h00 Intermission 13h00 – 14h30 LO, MP Continuous order-matching II 14h30 – 14h45 ATC, LO Closing periodic order-matching 09h00 – 15h00 Put-through - Order matching methods
Periodic order matching: A method of trading made on the basis of matching buy and sell orders at a specified time. The principle of price determination is as follow
The executed price reaches the largest trading volume
If more than one price satisfies the above condition, the price which is similar or closest with nearest matching order price will be selected.
Continuous order matching: The method is made on the basis of comparing buy orders and sell orders immediately when they are inputted into the trading system.
Put-through: A transaction method whereby members agree with each Matching principles: - Matching Principles
Price Priority: Buy orders with higher prices are prioritized for execution first. Sell orders with lower prices are executed first.
Time Priority: In case buy or sell orders at the same price, those which entered into the trading system earlier will take precedence in execution. - Trading unit and Price tick
Trading unit: Trading unit of order matching in parity lot: = 10 shares/closed-end fund certificates.
Maximum trading volume per order is 500,000 shares/closed-end fund certificate
Trading volume of put through transactions: 20,000 shares/closed-end fund certificates or more
No trading unit applied for put through transactions
Trading stocks with volume from 01 to 09 stocks (odd lots): Kis will support the repurchase from the first day of the month with 90% the reference price according to the list of purchasing companies
Price tick:
Price Level (VND) Price tick (VND) < 10,000 10 10,000 – 49,950 50 >= 50,000 100 - Price range: ± 7%
Ceiling price = Reference price x (100% + Price range)
Floor price = Reference price x (100% – Price range)
For stock and certificates, on the first trading day, the trading price is fluctuated within +/- 20% of the expected trading price.
For stocks, fund certificates, which are traded again after the suspension of trading for more than 25 days, the price fluctuation range in the first trading day is +/- 20% compared to the reference price in the first day traded back.
Closing price on the first trading day after being resumed will be the reference price for the next trading day. The 7% price range is applied for the next trading day. - Type of orders
Order which is executes at the opening order matching price (ATO): ATO is buy or sell order that is to be matched at the opening price.
ATO orders receive higher priority than limit orders when comparing to match
Periodic order matching session will determine the opening price if there is only ATO order on the order book
ATO orders are entered into the trading system in time for Periodic order matching to determine the opening price and will be automatically cancelled at the end of the opening session if they are not executed or partially matched.
Limit order (LO): Is a buy or sell order at a specified price or better. The order is valid from the time it is entered into the trading system until the end of the trading day or until the order is canceled.
Order which is executed at the closing order matching price (ATC): Similar to the ATO order but applied in time for periodic order matching to determine the closing price.
Market order (MP):
Is buy/sell order to be executed at lowest offer price/ highest bid price.
Once inputting into the trading system, the MP sell order will be immediately executed at the lowest offer price and the MP buy order will be immediately executed at the highest bid price. In case the MP order is not fully matched, the MP order will be considered as buy order at a higher price or sell order at lower price and continue to match
If the MP order is executed partially, the remaining volume of the MP buy order and the MP sell order will be changed to next higher price unit and next lower price unit respectively compared to the last executed price
If the last executed price is limit up price/limit down price, the MP order will be changed to limit order at limit up price/ limit down price.
The MP order is valid in continuous order-matching session only
The MP order will be automatically cancelled if there is no corresponding limit order at the time the MP order is input into the trading system
The MP orders of foreign investors will be automatically cancelled if the Foreign Owner ship Limited (FOL) of the certain stock is no longer available. - Cancellation of orders
In periodic order matching session: Investors are not allowed to cancel orders in opening periodic order matching session time & are not allowed to cancel orders in closing periodic order matching session time (including orders in previous continuous order matching session)
In continuous order matching session: Investors are allowed cancel unmatched or partially filled orders during continuous order matching session. - Payment time
Transaction type
Payment Time
T + 2
T + 2
In case of expiry of warrants:
If investors hold to maturity warrants, warrants are automatically paid if the state interest.
Payment time: E + 5 (E: expiry date of warrants)
Payment method: In cash
Method: Allocated directly to securities accounts - Transactions of foreign investor
In the time of order matching trading:
Buying volume of shares and closed-end fund certificates will be deducted from the number available for a foreign investor to buy immediately after the buy order is executed.
Selling volume of shares and closed-end fund certificates foreign investors will be added to the number available for foreign investors to buy right after the settlement (T+3).
Buy orders or remaining part of partially-filled buy orders of foreign investors will be automatically cancelled if they are not executed when inputted into the trading system or ownership limit for foreigners is hit
In the time of put through trading:
Total number of shares available for foreign investors to buy will remain unchanged if the transaction is negotiated between two foreign investors.
III. UPCOM trading regulations
1. Trading Time:
Trading time | Orders used Session |
09h00 – 11h30 | LO Continuous order matching I |
11h30 – 13h00 | Intermission |
13:00 – 15:00 | LO Continuous order matching II |
09:00 – 15:00 | Put-through |
2. Transaction method:
Continuous order matching & Put-through
3. Matching principles
Price priority > Time priority
4. Trading unit: 100 shares
Odd lot trading units with a volume of from 01 to 99 stocks are executed by both matching and negotiation methods.
No transaction units are required for agreement transactions.
Agreement and odd lot transactions are not allowed to be conducted on the first trading day of newly listed stocks or the trading day after 25 days of trading suspension is suspended until the reference price is determined. from the result of the continuous order matching method.
5. Price Tick: VND 100
No listing unit is required for bonds and put-through transactions
6. Price Range: ± 15%
For new shares registered for trading on the first trading day and for stocks with no transaction for more than 25 consecutive trading sessions, within the first trading day, the price fluctuation range is ± 40. % compared to reference price.
7. Reference prices: Reference price is the weighted average of trading prices executed by continuous order matching method of the latest trading day.
8. Trading order:
Trading orders are limited orders (LO). Limit orders are valid from the time they are entered into the trading registration system until canceled or until the end of the trading period.
9. Edit and cancel orders during the trading session
Price / volume correction and cancellation of orders are only valid for an unmatched original order or the rest of the original order has not been executed yet.
♦ In case of an increase in the volume increase: The priority order of the order after being corrected is calculated since the repair order is entered into the trading system.
♦ In case of changing the reduced volume: The order of priority of orders did not change.