Investors operating in Kien Giang come from 19 countries and territories worldwide, including the US, Switzerland, Sweden, France, Russia, China, Australia, Japan, the Republic of Korea (RoK) and Thailand.
Disbursement of FDI capital has reached 556 million USD, 20 percent of the total registered capital, mainly in tourism, agriculture, processing industry, manufacturing, oil and gas transportation, trade, service and transport.
Local authorities have issued details of projects calling for investment in 2018-2020 period to aid foreign investors.
Projects calling for investment in the locality focus on tourism, trade, the environment, hi-tech agriculture, rural and urban water, industry, building technical infrastructure and industrial clusters, housing and urban development, transport, education-training, and culture-sports.
Vice Chairwoman of the provincial People’s Committee Le Thi Minh Phung said local authorities have fostered trade promotion and connection activities, and promoted administrative reform to attract more investors.
She added that attention has been paid to expanding relations with foreign trade and investment organisations, general consulates and international diplomatic agencies in Vietnam, as well as Vietnamese communities abroad to foster investment promotion.
Information on the strengths of the locality have been publicised on mass media, making it easier for investors to learn about projects they are interested in, Phung added.