New future Transaction fee schedule of KISVN 2020

Pursuant to Circular No. 14/2020 / TT-BTC on Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of Circular No. 127/2018 / TT-BTC dated December 27th, 2018 of the Minister of Finance on regulating services prices in the field of Securities applied at Stock Exchanges and Vietnam Securities Depository to support organizations and individuals affected by Covid-19 epidemic.
KIS announces the change of service fee (applied from March 20th, 2020 to August 31st, 2020) as follows:
Transaction fee at KIS ( contract opening, closing, maturity) | VND 5,000 / contract |
Transaction fee at the Stock Exchange | VND 2,700 / contract |
Position management fee paid to VSD | VND 2,550 / account / day
*** Clients whose positions are not closed at the end of the day, are charged a position management fee. |
Deposit management fee paid to VSD | 0.0024% of accumulated value of collateral assets at VSD (cash + value of securities at par value) / account / month
(Minimum VND 320,000 / account / month)
*** If clients do not have transactions, withdraw all deposits to sub 80, so there is no charge for management of collateral. |
Pursuant to the provisions of the Ministry of Finance’s Official Dispatch No. 11133 / BTC-CST dated August 21st, 2017, on tax policies for income from transfer of futures contracts (future contracts) on derivatives markets. KIS is pleased to announce the tax rates applied to derivatives securities transactions (CKPS) as follows:
- Personal income tax (PIT)
Objective: All individual investors have derivatives securities transactions
(including transactions of purchases, sales, and maturity for futures contracts,)
Collection rate:
PIT = Transfer price of each time x 0.1%
Transfer price of each time = (Payment price of futures contracts at the time of determining taxable income x Contract multiplier x Number of contracts x initial margin ratio) / 2.
Initial margin ratio announced by Vietnam Securities Depository (Prescribed in the Regulations of the current Vietnam Securities Depository is: 13%).
- Corporate Income Tax for foreign organizations (Foreign contractor tax):
Objective: Foreign organizations are foreign contractors or a foreign subcontractor that deals with derivatives securities (including transactions of purchases, sales, and maturity for futures contracts,)
Collection rate:
Corporate income tax paid for
= Transfer price of each time x 0.1%
Effective date: From August 10th, 2017.